Shop like normal,
save like a star

graphic image of shopping basket displayed on a computer screen

Beami's smart wallet calculates rewards and benefits you earn for you, so you can get the most of your payment options every time you shop.

Take a quiz

Share a bit about yourself and your financial goals

Get started
graphic image of phone screen showing a sample questionnaire
graphic image of phone screen showing how customers can link their cards to pay with beami

Link your cards

Link your credit and debit cards to beami

Get started

Shop and pay

We'll make sure you get the maximum value from your spend - every purchase, every time

Get started
graphic image of phone screen showing how beami will recommend the highest value payment option to use when paying

Take a quiz

Share a bit about yourself and your financial goals

Learn more
graphic image of phone screen showing a sample questionnaire

Link your cards

Link your credit and debit cards to beami

Learn more
graphic image of phone screen showing how customers can link their cards to pay with beami

Shop and pay

We'll make sure you get the maximum value from your spend - every purchase, every time

Learn more
graphic image of phone screen showing how beami will recommend the highest value payment option to use when paying